CIDC Dental Warranty

CIDC Chiangmai dental clinic treats our patients with care and diligence with a focus on clean, sterilized and safe patient cae. We provide a LOCAL guarantee for our dental prosthese works as below.

Terms and Conditions on Dental Lab works

Dental Crowns, Veneers, Bridges, Dentures, Inlays and Onlays

  • All our dental crowns, bridges, porcelain veneers and ceramic inlays & onlays and dentures labworks as a one year LOCAL warranty.

  • Our center does not rebate, refund or reimburse dental treatments

  • Dental works under warranty will be adjusted, repaired, replaced by our dentists at our clinic in Bangkok, Thailand only.

  • To claim warranty, any faults must be formally informed to our clinic within the local warranty period.

  • Secondary cavities, gum infection, gum recession and issues arising from surrounding/adjacent teeth or accidents to the dental work is not covered under the one year local warranty.

  • The dental clinic is not liable for any unforeseen root canal treatment after having tooth/teeth prepared for crown & bridgework.

  • The warranty is applicable with reasonable use from patient and annual checkup every six months to one year as the long-term success of treatments is depend on post care maintenance and regular professional checkup with your dentist.

Dental Implants

  • All dental implants fixture posts has a 5 year LOCAL warranty; All dental implant prosthetics has a 1 year LOCAL warranty.

  • Dental implant fees are not rebated or refunded.

  • Despite having high success implant rates at our center, it is possible that osseointegration of the dental implant with jaw bone may not occur due to various reasons.

  • Should the first implant placement be unsuccessful, a second implant body replacement and operation will be performed by our implantologist at our center without charge. Should there by a need of bone grafts, sinus lift or other materials to support the second implant placement, these material costs and fees are charged.

  • To claim warranty, any faults must be formally informed to our clinic within the stated local warranty period.

  • The local warranty will be voided if the dental implants are adjusted or modified by other dentists post treatment.

The guarantee covers doctor fees and material costs. It does not however cover the cost of travel, accommodation, overseas dental expenses made by other dentists back home done post treatment or consequential losses that may be incurred.

The local warranty does not cover damage of dental works caused by or related to other dentists work done post treatment. CIDC does not take responsibility for prior or continual dental works done by other dentists. The local warranty will be voided if the dental works are adjusted or modified by other dentists post treatment.
Notice of warranty claims may be done via email at

Dental treatments recommended by your dentist is dependent on each individual’s specific needs. Each treatment plan is carefully customized after a thorough diagnosis and consultation. It is vital that you care for your teeth and gums after treatment and to schedule routine dental cleaning and professional exams. The long-term success of treatment and oral health is based on self-care discipline and habits.