Periodontal Disease

Dental Treatments > Periodontic Gums Treatment

What is Periodontic Dentistry? 

Periodontics refers to the field of dentisty on the gums treatment. Your Chiang mai periodontist treats gums diseases and corrects gum issues or aeshtetics.  

Periodontal disease is extremely common. This is the infection of the tooth-supporting structure, which include the gums, periodontal ligament and alveolar bone. Periodontal diseases may be categorized into two types. An earlier stage is called it ‘gingivitis’ and an advanced stage is known as ‘periodontitis’.


What is Periodontitis ?

Periodontitis is an advance and serious stage of gum disease that damage the soft tissue and bone that support the tooth. Teeth become loose due to the lack of support by your gums resulting in tooth loss.


What is gingivitis ?

Gingivitis is an early stage of gum disese. It basically means inflammation of the gums that occurs because of films of bacteria accumulate on the teeth.In this stage your gums get red, swollen and bleeds easily.


What cause Periodontal disease ?

Periodontal disease, also refered to as gum disease, is caused by a build up of bacteria referred to as plaque. Dental plaque can build-up in the mouth along the gum lines due to poor oral cleaning that composes of toxin substance from the bacteria. Your body’s immune system constantly battle to get rid of this bacteria, it releases substances that inflame and damage the gum as well. Both, cause the gums to turn red, swells and bleeds easily.

A prolonged irritation will leads to the gum separating from your teeth which causes the formation of “periodontal pockets”. In an advanced stage, dental plaque hardens into a rough substance called “tartar” or “calculus”. These cannot be removed by daily brushing and flossing and will need to be deep cleaned off by your periodontist. If left unchecked, gingivitis can turn into advanced periodontal disease,which might eventually cause tooth and bone loss and even other health problems.

Normally, the amount of bleeding from the gums provides dentists with a good indication of the advancement of periodontal disease. Periodontitis is the last stage of gum disease in the mouth.

Cause of Periodontal disease

There are many reasons that cause periodontal disease.Below are a few of them :

  • Use of smoking and tabacco
  • Misaligned or crooked teeth, braces or bridge work
  • Grinding, gritting or clenching of teeth
  • Stress can make periodontal disease worse and harder to treat
  • Flluctuating hormones
  • Poor nutrition
  • red and swollen gum
  • gum bleed easily
  • Loose teeth
  • Sensitive issue
  • Bad breathe and taste
  • Receding gum tissue

Gums Treatment for Periodontal disease

Gums treatment done by our chiangmai peridontist to treat gums issues:

  • Deep cleaning (Gums scaling and root planning) 
  • Medications 
  • Gum Surgery

Other gums treatment done by periodontists that may not related to periodontal disease but done for aesthetic issues:

  • gum surgery for crown-lengthening 
  • gingivectomy
  • gum grafts 

What happens at your Periodontist Chiangmai visit?

  • A set of periodontal exam tests is done to determine the stage of periodontitis in your mouth.
  • Your chiangmai periodontist may test the dept of your gum pocket. The measurements determine the quantity and the depth of the exposure to periodontitis. Knowing the depth gives a good indications of the development of the periodontal disease.
  • The extent of gum bleeding or amout of bleeding from your gums can give some indication of the advancement of periodontal disease.
  • Root exposure and gum recession is examined to look at the amount of exposure and recession. This gives a sense of how damaged the bone structure are beginning to be. With a significant root exposure, the disease will be quite advanced, and root planning will be required for treatment.
  • Mobility, looseness and the amount of movement in teeth indicate the extent of bone damage. In some cases, this may require gum surgery. When there is significant tooth mobility, periodontal disease is quite advanced.
  • Furcation involvement is the loss of bone between the root of the tooth as a result of advanced periodontal disease.
  • Occlusion/bite force distribution gives an indication of the condition of the teeth and the jaw structures. Periodontitis affects the teeth and jaw can lso affect bite force distribution.

Most common facts about Periodontal disease

Periodontal disease not only affects your dental health but research reveals that it will have devastating effect on your overall health, so to prevent gum disase:

  • Maintain your oralhealthlike start brushing and flossing twice a day
  • Quit smoking
  • Visit dentist on regular basis
  • Eat a balanced diet food